Constancia’s grandmother comes to visit the USA because she has never been there and she because of being the mother of 10 kids and has survived to tell about it and Constancia’s mother is the youngest child of all.
Grandmother continues her ordinary life (visits church, for example) and is very modern (she refuses to buy a winter coat). Constancia tries to ignore her granny, being busy all the time she is with them.
He offers her the car keys to drive to the mess.
Granny begins to behave like a crazy, she kneels the whole time with her hands on her face. The mess was a blur. The girl feels sorry for her granny and ashamed.
Constancia pretends she didn’t know the woman, but she takes her out of the church. Granny didn’t expect such an attitude from her granddaughter and she is very sad.
They didn’t speak to each other and after they got home Constancia was sent to her room.
She had to understand a lot about the things she hadn’t thought about before.
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Fact: It is January, two feet on the ground.
Opinion: She is more Catholic than the Pope.
No, I haven’t, but if I had been in such a situation I think it would be the worst experience in my life, it is very difficult to be an outsider.
No, they haven’t, but if they had I suppose I would pretend not seeing or understanding of the position and try to escape as soon as possible.
Yes, I agree. You may love or hate somebody and it will be the opinion, but if you don’t see or hear somebody that means that the person doesn’t exist.
The author supposes that the next time when grandmother invites the family to her place she will behave to Constancia as she did.
After Constancia goes to her room she will think a lot and of course she will regret her behavior, because she was thinking only about herself. Her granny made her thinking about other people.
user1247553 4.8
Знание языков: английский (перевод текстов,контрольные ), русский, украинский. Закончила университет экономики и управления. Дисциплины: Финансы и кредит, Банковское дело. бух.учет. менеджмент. Виды экономики. маркетинг. Налоги.страхование
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